
Psychic Cords

Mental and emotional links from one person to another. They can become debilitating, draining you of your life force.

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Dowsing Spirits

Psychic Cords

A Drain on your energy

A drain on your physical energy.

These can best be described as thin gold filaments that are a subconscious links between people that can transfer healing, emotion, images, psychic and physical energy from one person to another.

These cords can be set up for many reasons including illness, concern, love, jealousy, relationship matters, divorce and death. They link one person to another – normally via the chakras.

During our healing work we try to ascertain who was responsible for attaching them; why, and where they are attached and how long they have been there.

Any strong repetitious emotion can establish a link, and love is the first and probably most common reason for one person to psychically connect to another. As you fall in love, your heart chakra naturally opens, and a cord easily and subconsciously grows, between you and your partner.

Individuals remain as Individuals

This can be healthy between a loving couple. However, it can sometimes lead to inter-dependence, a diffusing of individuality and eventually a lack of self-worth.

We do recommend that individuals remain as individuals, after all, that is how we have all been brought up – and that is the person that you fell in love with.

How can you tell if you have a cord, or cords, attached? Feeling drained of energy is one symptom; thinking about someone all the time is another, strange thoughts, feelings and emotions are also classic cord problems.

Illness is another fundamental way that cords are set up. For instance a daughter’s or son’s concern for a sick parent, will see the subconscious transference of their healthy energy to the ailing parent. It cannot be avoided, that is what we naturally do as humans. Unless the cord is cut, this energy drain will go on indefinitely, even beyond the grave.

Psychic Vampire

Friends and colleagues are also a great source of cords. The friend who always needs support and is full of woe can become a so-called ‘Psychic Vampire’. They subconsciously feed from your vital energy. Sometimes a work colleague, who is perhaps jealous of you, can also psychically drain your life force from you.

The list below is by no means exhaustive, but will give you an idea of the type of people who are most likely to set up a cord:

  • Chronically ill or sick parents, family members or friends
  • Alcoholics
  • Emotionally damaged relations, family, friends or work colleagues
  • Aggressive people
  • Drug addicts
  • Needy or dependent people, or those lacking in self-worth
  • Loved ones
Dowsing Spirits

What We Do

As humans we experience many emotional highs and lows throughout our lives. During this rollercoaster ride psychic cords can be created that link us to others.

Once found they need to be cut, as they can be energetically draining for both parties.

N.B. This should not be looked at as a replacement for, but complementary to, a visit to your GP should you have any health concerns or issues whatsoever.

Dowsing Spirits

What You Need to do

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Geopathic Stress

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Home Healing

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Moving Home

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Land Healing

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What Our Clients Say

I am so grateful to you, our home feels like its had a cloud of fog lifted from it, in the 7 years we have lived here it’s felt quite trapped and for the first time we feel like its home so thank you!

I didn’t want to believe in what you do, but now I do. The family are so much more together, the house feels calm and our pets are so much happier and settled. Thank you, Adrian

Thank you so much for all you’ve done…if there’s proof of anything it’s having you clear my house and getting a buyer (well two actually) so quickly afterwards! 😊 That really is incredible.

On Friday night we had a lovely nights sleep, as did our young 8 month old son, we have a ll been having a real good nights rest for three nights now, and yes the house feel lighter, and far more peaceful, it really does and thank you for the work that you have done.

I just wanted to let you know that, at this point, I can say that this book has truly changed my life. It has served as an instructional guide for me to tackle all sorts of problems in my life and the lives of my loved ones.

First, love your book and the DVD. They have encouraged me to pursue dowsing to help myself, family and others. Thanks so much.

Just a short thank you for all the amazing work we did with you over the weekend. It was indeed ground breaking to be able to tackle the ancient energies and overthrow the energetic bondage to all that does not serve. We are very lucky to follow your school of teaching, as it is of highest standard. Thank you for all the extra tools which are time saving and empowering and your willingness to share all you can. I have added Dowsing Spirits approach to my professional repertoire for both home healing and energy healing.

Loving it. Your writing style is very direct, personal and open and it feels as though I am listening to you rather than reading which is making is very accessible.

Calm, peaceful and nurturing. The house feels wonderful, thank you for your wonderful healing work Adrian

Dowsing Spirits

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