I rarely ever find a property that hasn’t got unwanted house guests. It doesn’t matter how old it is, even brand-new houses can have a spirit or two wandering around them.
They are, in most cases, drawn to the family’s vibrational patterns, the energies of a new-born baby, teenagers going through puberty, constant arguments, stress, unhappiness and so on. It is a misconception to think that they may have lived, or died, in the house, or had any connection to a past or the present family living there.
They can follow you back from the shops, connect to you in a hospital, school or doctors waiting room, the list is endless.
This is something that I carry out regularly when working on clients homes, in fact it is imperative that they are helped to move into the light (Heaven) before any further healing work is carried out. If you start altering the energy of the house, they will pick up on it and this can lead to poltergeist (in German – a noisy spirit) activity. In most cases this would be quite subtle and not at all like the Hollywood movies.
Their vibrational energy is not good for us and can be very discordant, even if it a close member of your family that has passed away. We should all naturally move from the earth plane but can be held back from many reasons, family grief for instance, guilt, unfinished business and so on.
There are many people regularly helping lost souls move into the light, there is always work to be done. Major battlefields of the two world wars are regularly worked on but we do also need to look to the modern day. Whether helping people killed in warfare, drowned whilst trying to find sanctuary from conflict and so on.
But do not forget your ancestral family, it is ok to look at the bigger picture but do remember that there may be some of your relatives that have passed away but are still with us, not having gone to the light.
Through dowsing, ask the question ‘Are there any of my relatives that need helping into the light’? You might be surprised at the answer.
I would suggest that before you carry out any soul rescue that you psychically protect yourself (step 1), the daily exercise that I carry out can be downloaded from my website for a small charge (click here) or find it in my new book.
Then carry out the following (an excerpt from Heal Your Home 2 – The Next Level)
Step 2:
To the Highest of the High, please shine a beam of beautiful white light in front of each lost soul and show each of the spirits a vision of what awaits them, in Heaven. Their own idea of perfection.’
Step 3: Recite:
‘Ladies and gentlemen, please do not be afraid by this direct form of communication as I have been granted special dispensation to talk to you today, to help you to continue your interrupted journey into the light.
An ‘Ultra-Fine Mesh Net of Light and Love’ has been pulled through your auric fields removing any attachments and cutting any physical and psychic cords, leading to you or from you, that held you back, so you can now move through when you are ready.
You have been shown a vision of what awaits you, it is perfection, a true paradise, certainly far better than staying here on this cold grey mundane earth plane. It is a beautiful place to be, and there are many people are waiting for you to arrive with open arms and unconditional love.
Should you wish anyone from your past to be with you now, to hold your hand or just help guide you on your journey, call their name and they will appear beside you.
There will be no retribution for anything that you have done whilst on this earth plane, or that has been done to you, as this has been part of your life’s plan. This will be explained to you, once you arrive.
I therefore invite you now to move into the light, and to be with your family, friends, loved ones, comrades, colleagues and pets once again.
Step 4: Ask that all residue of their passing through is cleared and that all doors that have been opened during the healing are now firmly closed.