How often do you wake up in the middle of the night with a song going round in your head?

Then by the time morning has broken (sorry I couldn’t resist) you have forgotten what it was!

The title of the song, the name of the band or the lyrics can often be a way of ‘Upstairs’ sending you a subliminal message, something that you need to take note of and act upon.

My latest one was ‘Blowing in the Wind’ by Bob Dylan, the chorus (‘The answer my friend is blowing in the wind’) was being repeated over, and over again so that I had to take notice and write it down.

So, what was the meaning?

Life is intangible, ethereal if you like. It is what we make it and like the wind, can change direction at any time.

The reason?

I had been feeling like a caged animal for a few days, best described as ‘sensory deprivation’. The forthcoming full moon may be part of the cause but the lack of human contact, the right of any sentient being, was starting to weigh heavily on me. I then remembered a comment that my youngest son Charles said to me a few years back ‘Do you know Pa that your wheelie bin goes out more than you do’!

It brought a smile to my face, as that was the time when I was starting Dowsing Spirits and every day brought me something new to work on. I had also just put my wheelie bin out for collection.

Coincidence? I don’t think so.

I began to look at how different then and now is. This insight was just the jolt that I needed. To look at what I have achieved over the years, to value life in all its forms whichever way it takes you. The pandemic will be over soon, life will get back to normal, (whatever that ‘normal’ will look like) and human beings will start to hug each other once again.

A certain amount of introspection is healthy but to do so for almost a year is not good. We need to start expanding our minds to look outwardly once again. To take control over who and what we are, and what we want out of life.

Not to be blown about by the wind, to remain grounded and look to Spirit for answers.


I have recently been interviewed, about my forthcoming book and my healing work by Rene Stevens of ‘The E of Real Estate’ ( and it can be viewed using the following link:


My new book, Heal Your Home 2 – The Next Level is almost ready to go to print. It should be available around mid-March. I apologise for any delay; I have been chased by many people asking where it is and when will it be ready.

Restructuring, formatting and spell checking all takes time. I have seen a proof copy and am very pleased with the overall feel.

Please bear with me, the wait will be worth it, I promise.

EARTH ENERGIES WEEKEND: 18th and 19th September near Avebury, Wiltshire. The speakers are booked as is the hall. I am just waiting to ensure that lockdown is being relaxed to allow us all to meet, and to do so, hopefully, without anyone required to wear masks. Unless they wish to.

I hope to release full information towards the end of March at the latest. Please note the date in your diary.

Best wishes
